2021-11-09 13:44 作者:李成
财经365(www.caijing365.com)讯, 广受欢迎的视频游戏平台Roblox(RBLX)-Get-Roblox报告显示,在公司发布了非常强劲的盈利报告后,其股票在延长交易期内飙升了30%。 三季度业绩后Roblox公司股价飙




  周一钟声过后,总部位于加利福尼亚州圣马特奥的Roblox发布了一份收益报告,报告显示,最近一个季度,其游戏的预订量增长了28%,而用户玩游戏的时间总计达到112亿小时。总收入(不包括递延收入)增长102%,达到5.093亿美元,而像“MeepCity”和“Adopt Me!”这样的流行游戏的需求仍然强劲,尽管随着全国范围内与流行病相关的限制措施的放松,预计会出现下降。

  Roblox首席财务官迈克尔·古思里(Michael Guthrie)在一份新闻声明中表示:“尽管受新冠疫情影响时期和返校季节性因素影响,我们所有核心指标(DAU、小时数和预订量)的增长均表现出强劲的同比增长。”。



  “订婚是我们的北极星,”首席执行官大卫·巴斯祖基(David Baszucki)在一份新闻声明中说,“我们非常高兴,在第三季度,来自全球各个年龄段的人们选择在Roblox上花费超过110亿小时。”




  Popular video game platform Roblox (RBLX) - Get Roblox Report saw its stock soar as much as 30% in extended trading after the company released a very strong earnings report.

  After the bell Monday, San Mateo, Calif.-based Roblox released an earnings report showing that bookings increased by 28% while users played its games for a total of 11.2 billion hours in the latest quarter. Total revenue (excluding deferred revenue) was up 102% at $509.3 million while demand for popular games like "MeepCity" and "Adopt Me!" remained strong despite the drop anticipated as pandemic-related restrictions eased across the country.

  "Growth in all of our core metrics — DAUs, hours, and bookings — displayed strong year-over-year growth despite lapping Covid-impacted periods and back-to-school seasonality,” Michael Guthrie, Chief Financial Officer of Roblox, said in a press statement.

  The company saw its net loss increase to $74 million from $48.6 million but attributes it to the cost of growing — active daily users are up 31% at 47.3 million. The company has also increased its employee count by 66% from 865 in the third quarter of last year to 1,435 now.

  ree cash flow generated by Roblox equaled $170.6 million; it said it had $1.9 billion of cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2021. The company also said it lost $25 million in bookings due to a platform-wide outage from Oct. 28 and Oct. 31. It said at the time that the outage was caused by a number of factors and a final analysis is still pending.

  "Engagement is our north star," CEO David Baszucki said in a press statement. "We’re very pleased that during the third quarter, people of all ages from across the globe chose to spend over 11 billion hours on Roblox."

  As a result of the strong earnings report, Roblox shares surged by as much as 33% in after-hours trading. In more recent action the stock rose $21.16, or 28%, to $98.68. An analyst conference call is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. ET on Tuesday.

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