投资者从股票行情高点回落 股市收低!
2021-11-10 08:57 作者:刘兴
财经365(www.caijing365.com)讯, 周二股市收盘走低,投资者在上一交易日创下历史新高后向市场注入了谨慎情绪。 投资者从股票行情高点回落 股市收低! 道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数收盘


投资者从股票行情高点回落 股市收低!

投资者从股票行情高点回落 股市收低!


  以科技股为主的纳斯达克指数下跌0.6%,受特斯拉(TSLA)-Get-Tesla Inc报告拖累,该报告在创始人兼首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)表示可以出售其在清洁能源汽车制造商中约10%的股份后继续下滑。

  据报道,美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)采访了美联储行长雷尔·布雷纳德(Lael Brainard),以获得明年初开始的央行最高职位。


  E*Trade Financial投资策略董事总经理迈克·洛温加特(Mike Loewengart)表示,尽管PPI数据没有让人感到意外,“通胀丝毫没有缓解,这可能被视为某种程度上的失望。”



  PayPal Holdings(PYPL)-Get PayPal Holdings Inc.报告称,该支付集团公布的第三季度盈利强于预期,但对2022年利润的初步展望不温不火。

  AMC Entertainment(AMC)-Get-AMC Entertainment Holdings,Inc.A类股下跌,此前该连锁影院公布的第三季度亏损较预期收窄,同时警告称“我们面前还有更多挑战有待应对。”

  Robinhood Markets(HOOD)-在线交易集团(online trading group)披露可能影响500多万客户的网络安全漏洞后,Get Robinhood Report股价下跌。



  Stocks finished lower Tuesday, as investors injected a note of caution into the markets following the previous session's double-set of all-time highs.

  The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished down 112 points, or 0.31%, to 36,319, while the S&P 500, which snapped an eight-day win streak, slipped 0.35%.

  The tech-heavy Nasdaq fell 0.6%, dragged down by Tesla (TSLA) - Get Tesla Inc Report, which continued to slide after founder and CEO Elon Musk indicated he could sell around 10% of his stake in the clean-energy carmaker.

  President Joe Biden reportedly interviewed Fed Governor Lael Brainard for the top job at the central bank, which comes open early next year.

  The U.S. Labor Department’s producer price index, which measures wholesale prices, rose 0.6% in October, translating into an 8.6% increase year over year.

  Mike Loewengart, managing director of investment strategy with E*Trade Financial, said that though there were no surprises with the PPI read, "it could be viewed as somewhat of a disappointment in that inflation hasn’t eased up in the slightest."

  "And punctuated by the highest year-over-year number we’ve seen in a decade, there’s no denying that pricing pressure looms large," he said. "But with CPI on deck, investors may already have their sights set on any potential positive momentum from the read tomorrow."

  General Electric (GE) - Get General Electric Company (GE) Report shares ended higher after the industrial company unveiled plans to split into three separate companies.

  PayPal Holdings (PYPL) - Get PayPal Holdings Inc Report shares tumbled after the payments group posted stronger-than-expected third-quarter earnings but provided a tepid initial outlook for 2022 profits.

  AMC Entertainment (AMC) - Get AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. Class A Report shares were down after the movie theatre chain posted a narrower-than-expected third quarter loss while cautioning there are "more challenges ahead of us still to be met,"

  Robinhood Markets (HOOD) - Get Robinhood Report shares slipped after the online trading group reveal a cybersecurity breach that may have affected more than 5 million customers.

  Robinhood said the breach was caused by a 'unauthorized party' who "socially engineered a customer support employee by phone and obtained access to certain customer support systems" and was able to obtain the email address of 5 million customers, alongside the full names of a different group of 2 million clients.

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