2021-11-17 08:40 作者:刘兴
财经365( www.caijing365.com )讯, 受家得宝收益报告和10月零售销售报告强于预期的推动,周二股市上涨。 道琼斯工业平均指数收盘上涨54点,涨幅0.15%,至36142点,标准普尔500指数上涨




  投资策略董事总经理迈克·洛温加特(Mike Loewengart)表示:“零售销售强劲,零售收入开始稳步增长,很明显,通胀不会妨碍消费者。”。“因此,尽管劳动力市场和通胀方面出现了一些问题,但这可能成为投资者所需的信心投票,表明经济仍在良好发展。”


  LPL Financial首席市场策略师瑞安·德特里克(Ryan Detrick)表示:“我们都知道这些担忧,但这再次提醒我们,美国消费者仍然非常健康。别忘了,消费者占经济的三分之二,因此,在我们进入假日消费季之际,这是我们经济的另一个重大迹象。”


  沃尔玛(WMT)-Get-Walmart Inc.周二公布了强于预期的第三季度盈利报告,同时提高了全年盈利预测。然而,由于华尔街对令人失望的利润率作出反应,股票下跌2.5%。首席执行官道格·麦克米伦(Doug McMillon)表示,该公司的成本上升速度快于价格。

  Lucid Group(LCID)-Get Lucid Motors报告称,在这家豪华电动汽车制造商作为上市公司公布其第一个季度财务业绩,并披露汽车预订量“显著”增加后,该公司股价飙升23.7%。

  特斯拉(TSLA)的股票——在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的文件显示,创始人兼首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)又卖出了这家电动汽车制造商9.3亿美元的股票后,特斯拉公司(Tesla Inc.)的报告推高了股价,收盘上涨4.1%,结束了连续三个交易日的跌势。更多股票资讯,关注财经365!


  Stocks were climbing Tuesday, boosted by Home Depot's (HD) - Get Home Depot, Inc. (HD) Report earnings and a stronger-than-expected October retail sales report.

  The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished up 54 points, or 0.15%, to 36,142, while the S&P 500 advanced 0.39%, and the Nasdaq gained 0.76% at last check.

  October retail sales rose 1.7% from the previous month to a collective $638.2 billion, the Commerce Department said, well ahead of Wall Street's consensus forecast of a 1.2% gain, and 16.3% higher from the Covid-hit period in the fall of last year.

  "With the robust retail sales read and solid start to retail earnings, it’s crystal clear that inflation isn’t standing in the way of consumers," said Mike Loewengart, managing director of investment strategy. "So despite some hiccups on the labor market and inflation fronts, this could serve as the vote of confidence investors needed signaling that the economy is still chugging along nicely."

  Loewengart added that "as we narrow in on the holiday shopping season, the question remains if better than expected numbers from retailers from Q3 can continue to close out 2021."

  “We all know the worries, but this is yet another reminder the U.S. consumer remains extremely healthy," said Ryan Detrick, chief market strategist for LPL Financial. "Don’t forget the consumer makes up two-thirds of the economy, so this is another great sign for our economy as we head into the holiday spending season.”

  Home Depot (HD) - Get Home Depot, Inc. (HD) Report shares rose 5.8% after the home improvement retailer posted stronger-than-expected third-quarter earnings.

  Walmart (WMT) - Get Walmart Inc. Report posted stronger-than-expected third quarter earnings Tuesday, while boosting its full-year profit forecast. Shares slipped 2.5%, however, as Wall Street reacted to disappointing profit margins. CEO Doug McMillon said the company's costs are rising more quickly than its prices.

  Lucid Group (LCID) - Get Lucid Motors Report shares skyrocketed 23.7% after the luxury electric vehicle maker reported its first quarterly financial results as a public company and revealed a “notable” increase in vehicle reservations.

  Shares of Tesla (TSLA) - Get Tesla Inc Report powered higher, finishing up 4.1% and snapping a three-session losing streak, after Securities and Exchange Commission filings showed that founder and CEO Elon Musk has sold another $930 million in shares of the electric carmaker.

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